About Me

I am Asad. Asad is I. My name is Asad. Asad is my name. My full name is Mohammad Asadulla Shareef. But that’s too long, eh? Plus, Muslim names are too confusing, no? So, it is Asad.

I work as a Civil Judge & Judicial Magistrate. A little while ago, I used to be a lawyer practicing in the courts of Hyderabad. Graduated from NALSAR in 2015. Created CLATGyan in 2010, but I gave it up two years ago. Worked as President at CLAT Possible for a while, but that’s history too. Tried to make it to Civil Services, but missed it. Plenty of side-hustles to save myself from monotony. I write occasionally to rant and whine. Jack of all trades, master of none.

I now listen to people in the court halls. And do a lot that I did not plan. And I am a crewmate, not an imposter. Please do not vote me out.

Mail me at asad@asad.me | Follow on Instagram at zoogzwanged.